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EHS Best Practice: How Child Welfare and Early Head Start Can Work Together to Better Serve Families Register Now
Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Category: National Training or Event

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This workshop will highlight opportunities for Early Head Start and child welfare organizations to better collaborate at the local level on behalf of children and families. Presenters will examine barriers to the two systems working together and how they can be addressed, as well as partnership opportunities at the state and local levels. Discussion points will include: supporting kinship families; babies with exposure to drug and alcohol abuse; the intersection of poverty, neglect and child welfare involvement; economic support for families; workforce issues and more.

Presenters: Donna Pressma, The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ; Keith Liederman, Clover, New Orleans, LA; Leaders from the National Head Start Association, Julie Collins, Vice President for Practice Excellence Center at the Child Welfare League of America

Moderator: Dr. Deborah Bergeron, Deputy Director for Community Engagement and Innovation at NHSA

Contact: NHSA