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Organization LeadershipDeveloping Management & Leadership GreatnessTarget Audience: Administrators, DirectorsAdam H. White III, CEO of Purpose_Driven Leadership and founder of Adam White Speaks. This session uncovers the rare talents that should be found in every manager and leader. If you want to develop managers that will last and have the skills and talent to influence both employee engagement and organizational performance, then this is the session you don’t want to miss. Getting Ready for a Federal Review: Hints, Tips, and ProtocolsTarget Audience: Administrators, DirectorsJ. Christopher Watkins, MBA, Executive Director, T/TAS at Western Kentucky University This session is sponsored by the Florida Head Start State Collaboration Office This workshop will assist program staff in preparing for their Focus Area 2 (onsite) Review. Participants will learn how to make a positive impact on program data via OHS' required data walk. Brief attention will be paid on the differences of Focus Areas One and Two, and the role that OHS program data has in directing the reviewers' actions. As time permits, participants will discuss their program's identified service areas and potential ramifications as well as focus attention on OHS terminology as part of the review process. Quality Assurance as a Method for Continuous Program ImprovementTarget Audience: Administrators, Director Service Providers, DirectorMichelle Toral, Head Start Section Manager and Dr. Maite Riestra-Quintero, Chief of School Readiness and Early Childhood Programs, Miami-Dade County Community Action & Human Services Department Quality Assurance as a Method for Continuous Program Improvement session focuses on Miami-Dade County's ™ Monitoring Model. Miami-Dade implements a quality assurance cycle that focuses on collecting and analyzing data, providing professional development, and strategic planning. Budget Development to support Quality Early Childhood Education & ServicesTarget Audience: Administrators, Director Service Providers, Directors, Training & Technical StaffBrenda E. Williams, Special Projects Administrator II, Miami Dade County Head Start Early Head Start Program and Alba Roman, Accountant II, Miami Dade County This panel discussion will show quality leadership in action while talking through the budget development process. The Budget Process steps such as gathering data, governing bodies and policy council, key stakeholders and program mission, goals, objectives, cost allocation and approvals will be displayed. Consistent ongoing review, monitoring, and reporting of budget alignment to ensure effective internal controls will be discussed to safeguard grant dollars which makes sense. To Planning and Beyond: From the Community Assessment to Measuring ProgressTarget Audience: Administrators, Director Service Providers, DirectorsDr. Cathleen Armstead, Program Manager, Le Jardin Community Center The proposed workshop will be an interactive discussion/dialogue that focuses on the planning process and examining the first three foundational components: 1) community assessment; 2) strategic planning; and 3) setting goals. The presentation will also include a discussion of measuring progress towards goals. Processes and practices will be emphasized with concrete examples given. Each section will be accompanied by tip sheets, lists of resources and real-world examples for participants. Engaging Your Team in Effective Strategic PlanningTarget Audience: Administrators, Director Service Providers, Training & Technical StaffCynthia Krosky, CSP, LCSW, President, Achieving Corporate Excellence, Inc. Direction gives us focus and assures that we remain on course. Maintaining that direction is what a solid strategic plan assures. Understand how to increase interest in momentum in developing a plan that identifies how to plan for the future while building in a check and balance system that increases quality improvement strategies along the way. Understand the importance of using data to develop an operational plan that will provide direction and guidance to reach goals now and into the future. Data'll Do It !!!!Target Audience: Administrators, Director Service Providers, Directors, Family Support, Training & Technical StaffCarol Coffie, Deputy Director of Program Services and Jeff Heyne, Quality Assurance Manager, Mid Florida Community Services, Inc. Participants will learn specific factors that may affect the quality of data collected; identify internal and external data collection sources and opportunities; correlate program decisions/plans to specific data and review data distribution systems. Timed activities to list recent program changes, volunteers will share responses, Q & A to identify the data used, HSPPS overview, MFCS Quality Assurance Team overview, Data Resource Q & A, Review Data Cycle, Visual AidData Cycle, Rating Chart paper activity to link program goals Matching of objectives with session information. Board and Policy Council New Performance StandardsTarget Audience: Administrators, Directors, Training & Technical StaffMelvin Gravley, CEO, The Gravley Group The workshop will discuss the provisions of the Head Start Act that relates to a parent involvement, strategies to be more involved and role of the parent on the policy council/parent committees. Meaningful parent leadership occurs when parents gain the knowledge and skills to function in significant leadership roles and represent a parent voice to help shape the direction of their families, programs, and communities.