Here's what you need to know |
- Part 1: Lead Testing Training - Drinking Water in Early Childhood Centers, Tuesday, June 14, 2022 @1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT, this 3-part webinar series brought to you by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) will take you through presentations, interactive tools, and case studies. We will share program information and funding opportunities (including new funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed in November 2021 by President Biden) available to childcare/early childhood facilities.
- Physical Activity Opportunities in US Early Child Care Programs, The Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings obtained a nationally representative sample of classrooms within Child and Adult Care Food Program-participating Head Start. The sample included 227 classrooms, 96 in child-care centers and 131 in Head Start programs. Findings suggest ample room for improvement in provision of physical activity opportunities during child care. American Academy of Pediatrics, May 18, 2022
- Programs should promote developmentally appropriate active play for all children, including infants and toddlers, every day. Check out these excellent resources to promote daily, individualized opportunities for movement and active play. ECLKC
Please visit our COVID-19 Resource page, which is updated regularly, and the FHSA events list for more information. If there is something else you need guidance on, let us know - we will continue to work with state agencies and partners to answer your questions.
Wanda Minick Executive Director FHSA