Call for Nominations to serve on the FHSA Board of Directors

This is your opportunity to be part of the leadership that moves the association forward. The FHSA Nominating Committee seeks self-nominations for individuals with leadership and management experience to serve on the 2024- 2025 Board of Directors. DEADLINE: Tuesday, JULY 30, 2024. 

Available Seats and Terms: Three (3) FHSA Board Director-At-Large seats to be filled by qualified members from a Head Start/Early Head Start program in a Staff or Parent role or a FHSA member under the Individual or Corporate Friends level. 

Please Note: Grantees, Programs, and agencies are limited to one representative serving on the Board of Directors at any given time. 

To apply, please review the criteria below and complete the nomination form by Tuesday, July 30, 2024

This board seat term service begins October 1, 2024, and runs through September 30, 2026.

Criteria to Serve:  

  1. Selfless commitment to the mission for FHSA beyond personal gain, status, or affiliation. 
  2. Ability to think clearly and creatively, analyze issues and problems, work collaboratively with people, and communicate respect for differing views. 
  3. Honesty, sensitivity, responsibility, dependability, initiative, understanding, patience, community-building skills, and personal integrity. 
  4. Association membership dues must be paid in full prior to installation each year. 

To apply: 

  • Download the Nomination Packet
  • Complete the Nomination Form (online form)
  • All candidates must return the completed Board Commitment Form, and those seeking a Staff or Parent seat need to provide a support letter from your agency in addition to the completed Board Commitment Form. 

Questions? Contact Wanda Minick at [email protected] or call (850) 694-6477