Florida Head Start Association
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Using Peer Support To Enhance Home-Based Child Care Providers’ Well-Being and Equitable Engagement
Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
Category: National Training or Event

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The Office of Child Care invites you to join a webinar about peer-support strategies for home-based child care providers. This webinar, which will be conducted by the National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance (NCECQA) and their partners at the Erikson Institute, is intended for those who are interested in learning more about peer support for home-based child care providers. Participants will deepen their understanding of peer support and will learn strategies for implementing peer-support initiatives in communities.

Peer support has emerged as a strategy for enhancing home-based child care providers’ well-being; professional development efforts; and engagement with publicly funded systems, quality improvement, and leadership. The webinar will cover the following content:

  • An overview of peer support for home-based child care providers
  • Positive outcomes of peer support
  • The planning of a peer-support initiative
  • Examples from the field.

Who Should Participate?
This webinar is designed for state-, territory-, and Tribal-level professionals and community organization staff members who are interested in learning more about peer support for home-based child care providers.

Contact: National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance