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Get to Know Your Head Start Collaboration Office
Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 2:30 AM - 3:30 PM EDT
Category: Other conferences and events

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Head Start Collaboration Offices (HSCO) play a pivotal role in enhancing coordination among Head Start grant recipients, state systems, and other local early childhood agencies to improve outcomes for children and families across the country. HSCOs are the voice of the Office of Head Start (OHS) in state agencies. Since their inception in 1990, HSCOs have been responsible for building strong partnerships between Head Start programs and various state-level entities, including child care, health, welfare, education, and other community services.

Join us for a webinar to learn how Head Start Collaboration Offices develop actionable strategic partnerships to strengthen early childhood systems at the state and local levels.


In this webinar, you’ll hear from:

  • Khari M. Garvin, director, OHS (former HSCO director)
  • Omair Shamim, MD, HSCO liaison and senior project analyst, OHS
  • Beth Caron, Ph.D., social science analyst and state systems specialist, OHS
 Key Topics

In this webinar, we’re discussing:

  • Historical role of HSCOs and how Head Start program staff and state agencies can partner to improve access to services and supports for children and families
  • How HSCOs work with a variety of stakeholders, policymakers, and systems initiatives
  • HSCO involvement in developing and implementing state policies

Target Audience

This webinar benefits:

  • OHS central and regional office staff
  • Head Start and Early Head Start grant recipients
  • State officials and agencies

Contact: Office of Head Start (866) 763-6481 | [email protected]