FHSA Corporate Partner & Sponsorships

Click on the infographic below to view the demographics.

The FHSA Corporate Partners and Sponsorships allow your company to increase its exposure to Florida’s Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant & Seasonal Head Start/Early Head Start, and Child Care Partnership grantee and delegate agencies. We encourage you to consider sponsorships as an opportunity to promote your company's products or services and educate others about what you offer. 

Securing a Corporate Partners package or Sponsorship is one of the best ways to brand your organization as an industry leader and highlight your commitment to the Head Start industry. The benefits of these programs are:     

Connect with industry decision-makers. FHSA represents 129 Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant & Seasonal Head Start/Early Head Start, and Child Care Partnership Grantees operating in over 800 centers across the state who employ 10,670 Floridians, serving over 40,000 children and families. 

Showcase your organization’s expertise to our members. FHSA provides high-quality opportunities for attendees to learn, connect, and share with their peers.

Demonstrate your leadership. Support the essential role Head Start plays in early learning by providing resources to help FHSA continue its mission.

Check back soon for our 2025 Corporate Partner Sponsorship Expo Prospectus


FHSA hopes you take the time to review our Corporate Partners and Sponsorship Opportunities. We have designed some creative packages to help increase your visibility in the Head Start community while having fun.   If your business is interested in sponsoring an FHSA event, please complete the Sponsorship Form or contact Wanda Minick at (850) 694-6477 or [email protected]