- Tracking Progress Database: Standardized Measures to Assess Family Engagement Efforts and Effects, Explore this database to find standardized measures related to family engagement, family well-being, and family progress toward outcomes. Leaders can select measures based on areas of inquiry in your program to assess family needs or program progress in family engagement efforts., ECKLC, updated August 17, 2021
- Tips for Offering Effective Mental Health Consultation in Ever-Changing Contexts, Head Start programs can build strong Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) services by following the tips in this resource. ECLKC, updated August 17, 2021
- Public Hearing for Rule 6M-8.201 Child Enrollment Procedure for the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK), September 1, 2021, @ 1:00 p.m. ET, Division of Early Learning, Florida Department of Education
Please visit our COVID-19 Resource page, which is updated regularly, and the FHSA events list for more information. If there is something else you need guidance on, let us know - we will continue to work with state agencies and partners to answer your questions.
 Wanda Minick Executive Director FHSA

Florida Head Start Association 111 N. Gadsden Street, Suite 200 | Tallahassee, FL 32301 [email protected] | www.FLHeadStart.org
(850) 694-6477