- Today is Head Start’s 56th birthday! As we celebrate Head Start and the millions of lives changed over more than five and a half decades, we ask for your gift of two minutes of action today that will ensure children and families have Head Start birthdays to celebrate for decades to come. Send a letter NOW!

Resources to help address Depression in Head Start Programs, "Head Start programs provide a range of comprehensive services and support for families and young children. But for some families experiencing mental health concerns, a referral for treatment services may be necessary. Making a good referral involves a number of steps." ECLKC, updated May 17, 2021
- Resource for Planning for a Successful Five Years, View this webinar to explore how the Foundations for Excellence, 2nd Edition supports strategic program planning and data-informed decision-making. ECLKC, updated May 17, 2021
Please visit our COVID-19 Resource page, which is updated regularly, and the FHSA events list for more information. If there is something else you need guidance on, let us know - we will continue to work with state agencies and NHSA to answer your questions.
 Wanda Minick Executive Director FHSA

Florida Head Start Association 111 N. Gadsden Street, Suite 200 | Tallahassee, FL 32301 [email protected] | www.FLHeadStart.org
(850) 694-6477