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Connecting Parents with Apprenticeship Programs
Thursday, December 13, 2018, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Category: National Training or Event


Apprenticeship programs offer opportunities for families to earn pay while working on a credential. Apprentices learn new skills whether they are just starting a career path or making a change. Learn how Head Start and Early Head Start programs can play a role in connecting families with apprenticeship programs in their area. Find referral and other information staff can share. This webinar is part of the Building Foundations for Economic Mobility (BFEM) webinar series.

Topics for the webinar include:
Challenges families may face when accessing job training programs
Effective approaches programs can take when working with apprenticeship programs
Relevance of apprenticeship programs to staff and families' goals

Target Audience
Head Start and Early Head Start directors, managers, family services staff, and parent leaders
T/TA providers
Other early childhood leaders who support children and their families

Join the Economic Mobility Learning Community
Engage with your peers around the country in an online community hosted on the MyPeers platform. The Economic Mobility learning community currently has more than 150 members who are networking, sharing, and learning from each other about how to help families achieve financial stability. Not a member of MyPeers? Complete the MyPeers registration form to create your member account. If you are already a member, find the Economic Mobility community in MyPeers under "All Communities," and select the blue "Join" button.​ Select the link to sign up or log in: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/about-us/article/mypeers-collaborative-platform-early-care-education-community

Contact: NCPFCE at [email protected] or (toll-free) 855-208-0909