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Every Interaction Counts: Bringing Back a Thriving Culture through Early Talk
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Category: Other conferences and events

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Across the nation a clear theme is emerging: early childhood educators are experts in agility. These educators have had to continuously shift their approach and practice throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to address increasing workforce shortages and changes in children’s development.

At LENA, we have seen our Florida partners step up to the challenge utilizing the power of early talk to meet teachers where they are — whether they have zero or 25+ years of experience. They are building a culture of practice that centers interactions as key to growth. Join ELC of Orange County and ELC of Sarasota County as they share their data and stories on how they’ve increased teacher confidence, competence, and CLASS scores while improving quality assessment outcomes despite the challenges of the past two years.

We’ll discuss practical strategies that address the following:

  • Limited staff capacity
  • Teacher voice and staff retention
  • Enhancing workforce development opportunities (for experienced educators and new hires alike!)

This event is brought to you by ELC of Orange County, ELC of Sarasota County, and LENA.