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2023 ECE State Indicator Report: Summary and Stories from the Field
Thursday, November 30, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Category: National Training or Event

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Please join CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) for the DNPAO Seminar Series showcases the latest research, guidelines, and successes. The Seminar Series is for partners, public health practitioners, and other professionals interested in nutrition, physical activity, and obesity.

Early Care and Education (ECE) is a priority setting for CDC’s healthy growth and obesity prevention efforts. Improving ECE practices and policies can help children develop healthy habits and prevent childhood obesity.

The 2023 ECE State Indicator Report, to be published later this month, builds on the results of the first ECE State Indicator Report, published in 2016. The report will provide an update on state ECE policies and activities around nutrition, physical activity, healthy growth, and obesity prevention. Key findings from the new report include:

  • 47 states have increased the number of obesity prevention standards in their licensing regulations.
  • 34 states support Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal patterns through center-based licensing regulations.
  • 43 states report supporting Farm to ECE activities through state or local activities.

States have carried out the strategies described in the ECE State Indicator Report in innovative ways. For example, Alaska's Go NAPSACC program and Wisconsin's breastfeeding recognition program have a wide reach.

Register for the November seminar to learn about:

  • CDC’s 2023 ECE State Indicator Report
  • Alaska’s Go NAPSACC implementation
  • Wisconsin’s Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Initiative


Contact: If you have any questions, please email [email protected].