- Have pre-service training needs? FHSA has partnered with the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics to bring training you can use to assist with your program's pre-service needs. Trauma-Informed Care in the COVID-19 Era webinar airs Thursday, July 30, 2020, @ 12:30 p.m.
- NCECHW Health & Wellness Resource List for August. It contains everything health & wellness, including CFOC standard updates and funding opportunities. National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness
- Check out these great resources on Educare Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships that highlight the impact of COVID-19 on Partnerships grantees, their child care partners, the families they serve, and their unique policy recommendations to maintain, improve, and grow quality infant-toddler child care.
For more information, please visit our COVID-19 Resource page, which is updated regularly and the FHSA events list. If there is something else you need guidance on, let us know - we will continue to work state agencies and NHSA to get your questions answered.
 Wanda Minick Executive Director FHSA

Florida Head Start Association 111 N. Gadsden Street, Suite 200 | Tallahassee, FL 32301 [email protected] | www.FLHeadStart.org
(850) 694-6477